Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Progress on Cast Iron Bench

  I feel like I keep repeating myself but gawd was it hot today.  We had a brief downpour that caused the humidity to go through the roof.
 I don't know what we would have done had we not had this fan.

The bench progress started with the back portion because of the cast iron insert.  Once we framed out the insert, this set what the width of the bench would be when completed.

The frame around the back insert will be biscuit joined and glued.  Once they are dry, we will run the router around the outside edge with the round over bit.
We cut the slats for the seat portion.  They will also have the router with a round over bit used around the top side 4 edges.  This will make sitting on the bench a little more comfortable. 
I originally thought about painting the wood in the same grey as the house but now I think I am going to paint the wood in a black satin the same color as the cast iron.  I hope that this will make it look like a full cast iron/metal bench.  I was concerned that painting it grey would make it too country or busy looking.  R votes for dark grey.  Hmmmm this could be a battle.
After cutting all these wood pieces we had one 9 foot 1x3 poplar board left from the five that we purchased.  I needed 5 slats for the small table that we will make out of the short cast iron legs that I purchased for 5 bucks many many years ago.  I came up with the length by dividing my board into 5 pieces and rounding down to the closest whole number because it was just too hot to deal with fractions.

9 feet = 108 inches
108 inches divided by 5 = 21.6 inches

So we cut 5 boards at 21 inches and called it a day.

Cost as of 7-4-18

Bench pieces $40
Short leg pieces $5
3 cans of satin black spray paint $9
5 nine foot poplar 1X3 boards $62.96
Misc screws, bolts, washers, and nuts $11.50

I asked R how much did he spent on screws, bolts etc. and he said "I know exactly how much I spent.  It was 11 something."
Exactly, you say?

Reuse Repurpose Recycle

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