Saturday, February 15, 2020

What YouTube Channels I'm Digging Part 1

YouTube has been around for some time but as with everything I am the last to jump on the bandwagon.  In the past, I used YouTube just for information.  Basically searching out solutions to problems or for techniques.  

I never considered watching YouTube just for entertainment.  Since the Fall of 2019, I have been filling my evenings with YouTube in place of conventional TV watching.  I'm not a reality TV show watcher nor CSI anything.  Roger and I do enough CSI every time we open up a wall or remove anything not original to the house. And don't get me started on the quality of shows that are currently on network television.  I lost 33% of my TV watching when Big Bang Theory finished their run last year 

I like comedies, watching 'How To' videos, cats and dogs doing cute stuff, and the biggest surprise was that I found out that I love watching mundane videos. Below I've linked to some of the YouTube channels that I have been watching.  Enjoy.

This is Part 1

Dog, cats, and other animal channels

Suri Noel Korean family with 5 Scottish Fold cats.  The cats are adorable.

I_am_puma  Russian couple who rescued an unhealthy puma and now it is like a HUGE house cat.  They recently adopted a cheetah from a circus.  The cheetah was shunned by the other cheetahs which caused the large cat to be withdrawn and underweight.  

Lilo the husky  This channel is about a family with huskies and a rescue kitty, Rosie, who thinks she is a husky, too.

Tucker Budzyn  Tucker, the golden retriever, is so cute and funny.  

Oliver the Beagle I'm partial to beagles because we had one when I was a child.  Oliver is a very smart beagle who lives a busy, full beagle life in Chicago.

How to videos

Cheese52  How to make cheese.  My sister, niece, and I took in a cheese making class, plus I love cheese.  After watching these videos you will want to run out and buy a case of rennin and start making your own cheese.  I know I do.

GavinWebber  Another cheese maker and he has the same first name as my son.  

FoodWishes  Cooking channel that makes me think that even I can cook.

CookingTree  Korean cooking channel.  No speaking just food making sounds.  Beautiful desserts and surprisingly relaxing to watch.

Hercules Candy  Family owned candy store.  I've tasted their candy and it's very very good.  Their grape jelly ribbon candy with a peanut butter filling is soooo good.

Lofty Pursuits  Another candy store who makes their hard candies using vintage equipment.

Miscellaneous channels

Cole the Cornstar  Twenty two year old, third or fourth generation Iowa farmer, who just graduated from college and is getting stuff done.  Informative, funny, and just plain interesting.

Trenton and Heath Shoe repair.  Yes, shoe repair but it is so interesting to see how the cobbler repairs the shoes. You can also see how good leather shoes can be repaired, unlike newer cheaper shoes. On a side note....for the last few years whenever I have purchased a new pair of shoes I have added heel and toe protectors before I even wear them.  The heel protectors are great if you tend to wear down one side of your heel.  By installing protectors to the bottom of the heel, the heel protector wears down and not the actual heel.  Go to Amazon and you can buy an entire sheet of rubber protectors for 5 bucks.  These are attached with small headed nails/brads.  Might do a shoe post.  I have a pair of Chanel shoes that need a small repair on the heel and I want them dyed.  Might be an interesting before and after post.

Michael Oliver  Not to be confused with the beagle named Oliver.  Michael Oliver is an Australian metal detector/diver who finds people's lost rings etc on beaches and in the water.  Very interesting if you enjoy aquatic life and finding old coins in the water.

The Hoover Boys and Green Mountain Metal Detecting  Two channels of metal detecting.  They primarily hunt for old coins and artifacts from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.  Amazing how many coins are dropped on the ground.  They find gold and silver coins. I am thrilled that I find a penny on the ground when I fill my vehicle with fuel at the Speedway station Find a penny, Pick It Up, and All Day Long, You'll Have Good Luck.  

This is getting long so I am going to divide this into 2 parts.

Let me know if there is a YouTube channel that I need to check out.

and always remember 
Reuse Repurpose Recycle


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