Thursday, June 26, 2008
Without's still a Zoo
I understand the positive aspects of having a PGA nationally televised tournament played here. The economical impact for the area is worth the additional costs incurred for the city and township. All the television air time and print press give the area needed exposure. But for us here at Gear Acres it's a big hassle.
The tournament lasts basically a week. It's a total frenzy from Wednesday through Sunday. On Monday I was unable to make the right hand turn into my driveway because of people on golf carts. Anywhere else this would be no big deal. I could wait and let them pass but because I HAD to let them play through, so to speak, I was forced to sit on a road with a 50 MPH speed limit just over the crest of a hill in a blind spot. I've been hit before while waiting to make a left hand turn into my driveway and now have bulging discs in my neck. So I was unhappy having to wait. I then pulled into my driveway, stopped, and went to the mailbox where I was nearly run over by a bright blue Rolls Royce. They obviously had spent some time in the clubhouse. They won't be the last intoxicated person I see this week either.
I was probably the only person excited that Tiger Woods was not going to be making an appearance at the Buick Open. I feel bad he is hurt and needed surgery but the crowds are much lighter when he isn't playing.
So this weekend if you are so inclined to watch golf on TV, look for me. I'll be the crazy lady spraying the garden hose on trespassers. I'll wave at the blimp so you know it's me.
**If you haven't guessed by now, I'm not a big golf fan. Watching golf is like watching paint dry or grass growing, the only difference is that you have to whisper when you are watching golf. But then some people like to watch fast cars go in circles or fast cars go in a straight line so why wouldn't some like to watch men in plaid chase a little white ball????? To each his own.....just stay off my grass!!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Treasure Alert!!!!!
I had to wait until I could wash off the dirt before I was able to read the date. I was surprised that when I viewed my new found nickel using a magnifying glass that it read 1915.
It's fascinating to think about all the hands that have touched this coin. What is REALLY interesting is the coin was minted in 1915 but my home was not built until 1937. The coin doesn't appear to have circulated for 22 years before it was lost. Under what circumstances was it lost???? Could there more????
A quick Internet search found the following information.
In 1915 the postage for a domestic letter was two cents, a post card 0ne cent, and the non domestic rate was five cents. That's in comparison to today's rate of 42 cents for a letter and 26 cents for a postcard.
1915 President Wilson 2006 George Bush.
1915 $ of new home..$3,200
1915 avg earnings...$687.00 2006....$34,926
1915 high school education 13.5% 2006 85.2%
1915 number of cars 2.5 million 2006 237.2 million
1915 gallon of gas 25 cents (seems rather high, because I remember gasoline was 25cents when I was in high school in the early 70's)
1915 % of women who worked 23% 2006 59%
1915 home ownership 45.9% 2006 68.9%
1915 median age 24.1 yrs. 2006 36.2 yrs.
1915 average life expectancy 54.4 yrs 2006 77.8 yrs
In 1915...we were involved in WWI, movies were silent, and the Model T was the car of choice.
Check out this website for Buffalo nickel info and a cool Buffalo nickel giveaway contest!!!
*****I have to pass this comment of my co workers was reading my list of 1915 facts and said "geeeess...good thing you didn't find a dime, you would have had to write a book." Also everyone had to look at it with the magnifying glass. Needless to say.....not much engineering was done this morning, but we all now know more than enough about buffalo nickels so it wasn't a total loss.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The theme is magazines
I subscribe to quite a few magazines. I receive a professional discount so it is hard for me NOT to try a new magazine.
There are some magazines that I have subscribed to for eons. Traditional Home and Martha Stewart's Living are two that come to mind. Others that I enjoy that are rather new to me are English Home and Southern Accents.
I've been extremely disappointed with several magazines. Home and Garden comes to mind. H & G is no longer in publication, but up until at least a month before the last issue they were sending me renewals and including subscription cards in the magazine. Unfortunately I had renewed until 2011. Instead of issuing a refund they have started sending me Domino magazine. Domino is not a bad magazine but it is NOT my style nor do I feel is it the style of long time H & G readers.
The issues of H & G, during their last year, were increasing sub par for a long time magazine of this caliber. Specifically was the issue with the blue glass chandelier against a gaudy peach background. It was if the editors were trying HARD not to sell issues.
Another magazine I love but recently had issues with is Old House Journal. They insist on sending me renewals (in official bill appearing form) every other month. I dutifully pay because I love the magazine and do not wish to miss a single issue. Finally I looked on the cover and noticed that I have indeed paid through 2012. I sent a quick email voicing my concern and received a reply that they would in the future send just one renewal notice. "Thank you Old House Journal."
I also sent them an email stating my frustrations with the fact that they focus primarily on Victorian and Craftsman homes. Victorian/Craftsman houses are wonderful lovely structures but the magazine is Old House Journal not Old Victorian/Craftsman Journal. I also mentioned that not only do they focus on those two home styles but have now started adding mid century homes completely bypassing homes of the 30's and 40's.
Below are photos of some of my current favorite magazines.
Of course This Old House is a long time read. It is one of those must save for future reference magazines.
Read my other two blogs to see what I'm reading concerning gardening and cooking.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Blogging lull....yes.....working's my excuses for not keeping up with the blog, as of late.
I was diagnosed with 2 bulging discs in my neck. This is a result of when I was rear ended waiting to pull into my driveway nearly 2 years ago. Because of this, I have not finished the windows (glazing/painting). I need to paint them, then install them, and THEN glaze them. This will allow me to look straight ahead instead of bending my neck and looking down. OK...everyone say...'poor thing....we feel your pain.'
It keeps raining so the weeds keep growing (flower beds) so I have to continually weed and cannot make any progress on anything else. OK....everyone say....'poor thing.....I feel your pain....I'll come over and weed for you.'
I fertilized the lawn and now it grows grows grows so I mow mow mow. But it's green.
R and I have been busy with the excessive paper work needed to retire. heard it right RETIRE!!!! R will retire in July. I will retire January 1st, 2009. He keeps counting down the days. I will continue to work 6 days 10 hours until the very end. Grrrr.
I am appalled at the volume of paper work needed to retire. Rollover papers, termination papers, pension papers, birth certificates (retiree and spouse), marriage certificates, social security card, and drivers license.
R has already decided he wants to volunteer at the March of Dimes. I'm not committing to anything until the house is done. We will have plenty of time to volunteer at a later date. R is 56 and I am 53.
R has been rebuilding the fountain area. He temporarily has installed the fountain just for measurement purposes. I can't wait to see it completed. Here's a photo taken about a month ago. He's made great progress since then.
Here's a photo taken more recently. May not look like there was a lot done but take my word for it.......there was.
We were just finishing up with the mowing on Sunday when the sirens went off. 4 minutes later the wind was blowing a constant 50 mph and branches/leaves were blowing every where. I was shocked at how constant the wind was. It carried on like that for at least 20 minutes without letting up.
After the storm I headed to the Torrey Rd address. I was driving down Baldwin Road when I saw a car parked on the opposite side of the road. A police cruiser was pulling up behind it with it's lights on. On closer inspection, I noticed a power line or cable vision line wrapped around the driver's side mirror. Egads!!!!
My son and daughter in law were without power for a day and a half. They live in Fenton, the town that was hit by a tornado last fall.
I have also been busy planting heirloom tomato plants. We will be up to our ears in tomatoes by August. Red ones, yellow ones, white ones, green ones, black ones, pink ones, orange ones, stripped ones, round ones, pear shaped ones, ox heart shaped ones, big ones, and little ones. I feel like that guy in the Forest Gump movie......coconut shrimp, fried shrimp, raw shrimp, etc. LOL.