I think we watch too much HGTV. I know I watch more than R. Basically I will watch everything on HGTV except those whiny first time buyers shows. Those people get on my last nerve. I mean really....first house and they are whining that the master bath isn't big enough or the back yard isn't already landscaped to perfection and their budget is 600K!!!! Give me a break.
What shows I really like are the realistic shows like Holmes on Homes. Of course, we are not Mike Holmes caliber but we use his advice of building over minimum code. We always try to go beefy whenever we can. Better to have too many deck posts than not enough or better to have too many big joists that are too close together than not enough and have them space too far apart.
So it wasn't surprising that today while we sat on the deck preparing to install the spindles that we pondered "what would Mike Holmes do?"
We were talking about whether to use 1 5/8 inch or 2 1/2 inch deck screws. Neither one of us said anything after R mentioned not knowing which one to use. I sat there thinking back to last night's Mike Holmes show about handymen and when he kicked one of the participant's table and it fell apart. I had visions of Mike Holmes kicking the spindles and watching them fall to the ground.
Just then R said, "I better go with the 2 1/2 inch screws because I wouldn't want Mike Holmes kicking the spindles out."
Yup.....we watch too much HGTV.
Today we rounded the corner of the deck and installed more spindles.

We will install the top cap once the entire run of railing is complete. Tomorrow we install the handrails on the steps. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can get both handrails completed so we can get back to doing our least favorite part which is installing another piece of 2X12 and jacking up the saggy old.