Several years ago I purchased a cement bird bath base at a garage sale for 5 bucks. Since that time it has set in the potting shed waiting for a top. Well, Thursday was the day!
R and I decided it was too warm to work in the yard so we hit the road for a quick road trip to Krupp's in Lennon, Michigan to look for a bird bath top.

First we needed to load the base into the SUV so that we could make sure whichever top we picked fit and also looked good aesthetically.
Where do we start?

Believe it or not we found the top we wanted in about 5 minutes. It was over by the sign that said 'Bird Baths'. Here is what we bought.

The top is shallow which is what I read that birds like rather than the deep fountain bowls that people prefer to buy and use as bird baths.

I still need to clean and paint (med gray) the bird bath to match the other two large bird baths that I have in my hosta flower beds. This one will be located in the side yard in the newest hosta bed (2 years old). Which reminds me.....I need to get weeding.
Total cost base $5 + top $40=$45 A new pedestal just like this one is $50.
Very nice. I use my birdbath as a planter for annuals. However, when it rains, there's no where for the water to run off - so I'm going to have my husband drill some holes in the bottom for drainage. If I ever want to convert it back into a birdbath, I'll just plug the holes with corks.