Saturday, September 21, 2013

Concrete Potty and Concrete Path

Yes, you read that correctly.

First, let talk about the concrete path.  Remember the concrete steps that we uncovered?  Well, it seems they are attached to a concrete path.  I found the end of the path about 5 feet from the steps heading to the south.  This path may very well extend north of the steps but that area is under at least a foot of dirt and vegetation.  I'll have to wait until next spring to excavate the area because we are up to our eyeballs in projects right now.

OK...that leaves the concrete potty.....

Isn't she a beauty??  LOL  Of course it is only 5 inches tall but R and I decided we just had to have it when we spotted it at the garden shop in town.  Of course, we did not any idea what we were going to do with i,t but we figured we would find a use for it somewhere.  And we did.......

under the steps and landing for the kitchen door.

This past week has been very eventful for us here at Gear Acres.  We've made progress on our garden shed reno and we had a surprise visitor on Thursday......more later.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE garden art! A toilet is an interesting piece ;)


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