Sunday, February 7, 2016

Update Post

I have been busy with my mother's health problems.  She's 82 and a former smoker who quit during the 1980's.  A tumor was detected during a yearly physical. They attempted surgery but once the surgeon got inside with the camera he saw that the tumor was position on the branch that connected all three lobes.  Her breathing is such that if he took the entire lung it would have left her with a lung that only has 45% so he took biopies and some nodes and sewed her back up.

Since she is 82 years old the pain meds really kicked her butt mentally.  She was a handful in the hospital.  They were so good with her.  She has since sent notes to U of M (University of Michigan) Hospital naming all the staff and how wonderful they were to her.  We laugh about it now, but oh my gosh she was like an 82 year old toddler during the terrible twos.  I guess she had the terrible eighty twos.  She left the hospital after 7 days.

It has been one appointment after another but we are now down to her radiation prep appointment this week.  She has decided on just radiation because the nodes came back negative and at her age chemo would just be too much for her to handle.

So there really hasn't been much time to work on the house.  R has been busy running all my errands and catching up on basic maintenance of equipment and such.  But the big news is that the windows will be delivered on Friday and installed the following Monday or Tuesday.  The sooner that those non original windows are gone, the better.  I ordered the solid vinyl drip cap that we have been installing as we reshingle.  R has to pick that up at the Home Depot in Fenton because our Home Depot was out of stock.
So that is where we are at currently.  The good news is that we haven't had to endure the snowfall totals that we had the last two years.  I couldn't do a third year of that kind of snow.  What snow we do get comes in spurts of 3 inches or less and then quickly melts.

I'm off to sleep so I can dream about great windows replacing ugly windows.......double hung, true divided lites, wood sashes, wide casings.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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