Last week was a busy one. First off it was hot and when it is hot in Michigan it is also humid. Even though it was hot outside we needed to stay cool as a cucumber when planning and executing a surprise 30th birthday party for my daughter in law, B. Her sister and mother hatched the idea and I tried to help covertly to get some odd jobs completed without raising suspicion. I'm sure B was muttering under her breath about her pushy mother in law...LOL
Remember the lights B and I installed on the outside of their home about 3 years ago? There were also 3 lights that needed to be installed on the back of their house. Between racing, rain, and heat we never got around to it. We knew that having a party that involved showing off her deck, we would need those lights installed. My son laid the groundwork and said he would ask me to help. I then lied by saying "if you need my help, I can only do it on Wednesday because this weekend I will be busy busy busy." The lights were installed. Looking good despite taking until 11pm.....LOL
We had a slight catastrophe on the morning of the party. B decided to rebuild a large picnic table that R had found in the trash 2 years ago. We on the other hand had planned to use the table for seating. My son text me in the morning saying that B had just used the Sawzall to cut all the wood off the metal frame of the picnic table.....LOL Oh well.
Later that day G took B for a motorcycle ride and to see a 3D version of the new Pirates movie. Unbeknownst to B.....we were receiving updates and photos of B throughout the day. Including a photo of her inside the theater with her wearing the 3D glasses.
Finally at 6pm they rolled in.
Raining horses? As I was walking to the mailbox in the rain, I noticed two horses gallop by and stop in my neighbors yard.
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