Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to take this time to wish all the readers of my blog......Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

R and I have a lot of plans for our time off during the holidays. The day after Christmas we venture to Detroit to the Motor City Bowl. This year it matches up my Alma mater Central Michigan University against Purdue. Go Chips!!!!!! and I ain't talking about no cookie, either.

On New Year's Eve we will take in the Detroit Red Wings at Joe Louis Arena. They will play the St. Louis Blues. After the game we will hop on over to Greektown, hit the Greek bakery for some chocolate mousse and then lose some $$$ at the Greektown casino.

In between all that we are going to work on the house, eat at The Holly Hotel, and go to Grand Illusion Gallery to pick up some old window sashes and whatever else they have that is cool.

See you in 2008!!!

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