Friday, December 7, 2007

Roger and Red Green

A friend of mine......."Hi Carrie!!!".......who reads my blog, mentioned that Roger's methods resembles those of Red Green.

Red Green is the elected leader of Possum Lodge Chapter 13. You might be familiar with their motto........

"Quondo Omni Flunkus Mortati (when all else fails, play dead)"

Red Green is also an avid user of duct tape. At the racetrack we call it 200 mile an hour tape. He also uses unconventional items to complete tasks. I believe Red would have looked favorably upon the innovative use of a truck hood to move a large rock. Though he might have included the use of tape duct and dynamite.

The Possum Lodge also has a prayer, it goes something like this....

I'm a man

but I can change

if I have to

I guess.

I think Roger has said that very same prayer...once or twice.

The Possum Lodge has quite a distinguished membership. Winston Rothschild III of the Rothschild Sewage and Septic Sucking fame and Mike Hamer who comes from a long line of felons, jailbirds, scam artists, and biker chicks.

Red Green is chock full of wisdom, a Canadian Aristotle of sorts. Such as ....spare the duct tape....spoil the job. My favorite is this little tidbit of advice that he doles out to the men..........

If the women don't find you handsome,

They should at least find you handy.

I believe Roger adheres to that philosophy too.

So in honor of Red Green, I'll end my post in the same manner that Red ends his show........

Keep your stick on the ice.

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