So here goes. It was very difficult to narrow it down to 10 because I read a wide variety of blogs. Some I read for the knowledge I can gain from them. Some for design inspiration for my own home. Some I read because I'm intrigued with their decorating style even those it may not be my own style. And some I just like to read.
The blog that got me reading blogs, Casa Decrepit. I am so happy that Ayse is done with school so she can blog more often. I just happened upon her blog several years ago and spent days reading about their troubles with a contractor hired to do extensive foundation work in earthquake country. I can honestly say I would not have been able to handle it as well as they did. Ayse and Noel are hands on people with two of the cutest dogs. Check out their blog and their new irrigation system totally designed and built by the two of them.
DYI Diva. Damn...this chick does it all without losing any of her femininity. So young to have already figured it all out. Check out her blog and her etsy site to get an insight into her artistic abilities. Don't forget to check out her BADASS pergola. Don't worry Mom, that's what she calls it. Also I promised myself that I would buy myself one of her handmade brooms as soon as I finish my kitchen. The girl is talented.
One Woman's Cottage Life. Oh my, she has the most gorgeous red kitchen cabinets imaginable. I love her ceiling. Now how many times in your life are you probably going to tell someone "I love your ceiling."??? Probably not many, but I love hers. She also has this little white ceramic bird that shows up in a lot of her photos. It took me a while to realize that she didn't have 52 of those little birdies. Check out her blog and now her esty store. She's the purveyor of the most delicious looking faux desserts on the planet. I gained 5 pounds just looking at it.
Curley's Corner. Sandy always has the most appropriate joke. I don't know if it is because we are about the same age and from the same area but I can relate to everything she writes. Check her blog out for inspiration.
This Old Crack House. Another one of the first blogs that I read. Gary's been going at it for 7 years restoring a very large Victorian in Dayton Ohio. He does the vast majority of the work himself and if you need to know ANYTHING about shellac...well, he's the guy to ask. And whatever you do...do not click on that button.
The Petch House. Here's another guy restoring a Victorian era home and doing the work himself. Read his blog to hear about how he salvaged floor tile and bead board from old buildings to install in his home. He is currently in the progress of getting his home on the National Register. Read his blog and you'll soon see he has an eye for detail.
Redemption In Corktown. Another home restoration blog from a fellow Michigander. Read his blog to hear how he is bringing an old neglected home, in Detroit's Historic Corktown District, back to life with the help of some wonderful friends. Read about the maze of paperwork needed to restore this beauty in a city that has had it's fair share of woes lately. You'll be inspired.
Bangor Bungalow. Shhhh, don't tell them...I'm stealing their shelf design for my kitchen. If you're into bungalows check out theirs and don't tell them I'm taking their shelf design idea.
You Grow Girl. Here's a gardening blog written by a young women who can grow anything in anything. Check out her blog for gardening tips and ideas or better yet, buy her book titled, You Grow Girl.And last but not least, another blog I've read for a long time House in Progress. Aaron and Jeanne not only have a great blog about the restoration of their Chicago bungalow but they are the originators of the Houseblog Network. How they take care of a website dedicated to home improvements blogs, restore their own home, and raise a cutie called Grace is beyond me.
OK, there you have it, my top ten blogs. Hopefully all those that are mention will continue what Sandy asked me to do. Congrats, keep writing, and I'll keep reading.
I love all of those blogs, too! A great way to start a morning.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jan! I'm thinking I'm older than you by quite a bit! I'm a great-grandma (although, a YOUNG great-grandma)! I read almost all of those blogs, too, and I agree with you! I have to confess, I clicked on that button... LOL
ReplyDeleteHaving went to Catholic school myself (for 5 years), I am betting the oldest nun is driving a mini van!