We have been so busy this past month that I just haven't had time to post about any of the things going on around The Gear. Things have slowed down a bit so I will try and catch up.
I last posted about the 5 dollar birdbath base and the new top we purchased. Both the top and base needed painting. Here's a before shot to refresh your memory.

And here is the finished painted birdbath. Please ignore the weeds that are among my hostas. This summer has had plenty of rain and the weeds have enjoyed every drop.

The Flint Art Fair was June 12th and 13th and with our Flint Institute of Arts membership we received 2 free passes.

We got a late start because R slept in since he got home late from a full weekend of racing. I noticed that this year there seemed to be an abundance of lawn
objet de' art. Then we both spotted this....

How cool is that? A birdbath made out of a rotary lawnmower blade and a large gear. "R go look and see how much it is." He reported back that it was $350 bucks and was sold. To tell you the truth I was glad it was sold because I really did not want to pay 350 smackers. So we moved on.
Then we spied this little gem over by the lady on the right side of the photo

Here's a closer look. OK R, go work your magic. He's a much better wheeler dealer than I am. Remember the patio furniture he bought for $15.00? We sold it last week for $75.00. LOL

Well, he must have done good because there he goes past the Whiting Auditorium and all the future graduates.....

and past the Sarvis Food Center on his way to the SUV.

And here is it in place amongst the roses and lavender. The price? $65.00