Tuesday, May 29, 2007
"Back to the grind."
First of all, I still haven't had a chance to try out my Silent Paint Remover. Some of the time it was too damp to use electricity and other times I was too busy mowing to stop and strip paint.
We rented a stump grinder this weekend. Of course, Roger was in seventh heaven. Oooooh baby...heavy equipment. Roger was able to grind out all the stumps in the yard. The stump grinder came with a helmet and ear protection. Neither of which Roger used. Several times I went over to him and said, "don't you think you should be wearing hearing protection?" To which he replied, "huh?" Exactly...I give up. He had on a pair of cheap sunglasses, so he felt that was enough protection. Throughout the weekend he never missed the opportunity to say......."well, back to the grind." Just what I need.......a husband who thinks he's funny and can't hear when I tell him he's not.
Sorry...no photos of this past weekend. Digital camera is no longer working. I had anticipated buying a smaller camera with more pixels and more memory capability for the wedding in October, but I guess I have to buy one now.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Frustrated with fenestration
An architectural term for the arrangement of windows, doors, skylights, and other glazed openings in a building. Is derived from the latin word fenestra for window.

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Going green is making me see red....
Notice the peeling paint above the door in this "after overhang removal" photo.
So far we have had to purchase very little wood to complete our repairs. Whenever we have done any demo, we have been mindful to save usable pieces for later use. Most wood that has gone into the trash was severely splintered and unusable. Cedar siding was removed from the front of the house when the overhang was extended back to it's original design. I am sure that during the 70's they removed that overhang in an attempt to get solar gain and help with heating costs. But I am sure whatever gain they may have gotten was all lost by the solar gain they got during the summer. I prefer to have the extreme evening sun tempered with the overhang the way it was originally designed. But back to the shingles.....I kept all the usable shingles and reused them to replace the rotted shingles around the front door. In true "Yankee" fashion, my father and I scrapped the peeling paint off and just flipped the shingle over. Nothing went into a landfill. Another added bonus besides the fact that it was free and didn't add to a landfill was the fact that the shingles had shrunk all they were going to, so the shingles are still nice and tight up against each other.
Notice the used shingles to the right of the front door. These shingles were removed when the overhang was restored along the front of the house.
Oh and the reason we didn't tear it down and start over is because I like what I like and I like old. New I don't like. So until something is beyond repair I'll continue to use it. If by chance my taste change I'll recycle it. Filling a landfill will be my last resort.
Friday, May 11, 2007
I'm on the edge...of the driveway
Since this is the month of May and any good race fan knows what that means, I'll fill you in on our driveway plans.
"What do you mean, it's the month of May and what does that have to do with being a race fan and your driveway??"
All during the month of May race teams prepare the the Indy 500. They practice, they have Carb Day (short for carburetor, which they don't have anymore), they Qualify, and they have Bump Day (last day of qualifying and you hope you did well enough not to be on the bubble).
Being gear heads and race fans we can't have just a regular driveway....can we???? Noooooooooooooo we can't. Just like the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Gear Acres will have a Yard of Bricks just inside the gates. Yard of bricks????? Originally the Indianapolis Motor Speedway was paved entirely in bricks, hence it's nickname the "Brickyard". The only bricks left intact is a 36 inch wide strip of bricks across the width of the track at the start/finish line, hence a "yard of bricks". You've probably seen photos of the winner of the Brickyard 400 kissing the bricks after winning the race.
We will probably use concrete pavers for our "yard of bricks". I think I'll try and purchase just one REAL brick from the speedway. Now just how cool will that be????
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
These boots are made for planting
These boots are made for walking,
and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots are gonna grow all over you
Roger bought these at a garage sale last year for $2.00.
Aren't they cute????
It rained today so I didn't have a chance to try out the Silent Paint Remover. But mark my words..."Thursday I will be stripping!!!"
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The Holy Grail of paint removal
I was leaving for work when it arrived, but from what I can tell it looks like it's hardly been used. I'll try it tomorrow if it doesn't rain.
I was reading the house blog Ocean Manor House. He made his own infrared remover. Very clever. If we decide that we need a second unit, it might be advantageous for us to build one. But for now....I needed one like last week.
The nectarine trees were planted today. A variety called Fantasia. I also trimmed all the fruit trees today. Only one looks iffy. But I'm not jumping the gun. It could just be that the early warm weather we had followed by the single digit cold snap might have damaged the buds. I can replace it in the fall with another peach tree. All the rest looked good and several smelled wonderful.
I also trimmed all the climbing rosebushes. Lots of dead canes but also a lot of new growth. Only one bush looked bad and again I am not going to panic just yet. I could see that most of the bushes had frost damage to the new growth.
My nearly black tulips are at their peak right now. In just the right light, they do look black.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Fruit trees and excuses

Saturday, May 5, 2007
Tip toeing through the tulips....
So without further ado....The Tulips at Gear Acres.........ignore the dandelions!!!!
Tiptoe to the window, by the window that is where I'll be, Come tiptoe through the tulips with me!Tiptoe from your pillow, to the shadow of a willow tree, And tiptoe through the tulips with me! Knee deep in flowers will stray, we'll keep the showers away. And if I kiss you in the garden, in the moonlight, will you pardon me? Come tiptoe through the tulips with me!
So Thank you for Tip Toeing Thru' the Tulips with Me...........geeeeees Louise!!!!! I just couldn't help myself....it's late...I'm tired.