We really have been working...a lot. In between work, we went to a lecture at the planetarium on how a black hole could kill you. It was kind of like Spike TV "1,000 ways to Die' meets Nova and narrated by Carl Sagan except without the "billions and billions" and Carl Sagan.
I think R enjoyed it. It is much easier to learn without the sword of Damocles hanging over your head in the form of a test. R's been throwing around words like Quantum Theory, event horizon, folding space and time, and GRBs (gamma ray bursts) but I think he has already forgot what they all mean. During the Q & A someone asked about the flux capacitor and everyone laughed. R turned to me and said, "What's so funny?" I said, "think Delorean." He replied with, "Oh, OK I got it now." Always best to explain everything in automobile terms when it comes to R.
At the last Star Trek movie I took him to, he must have asked me ten times, "what's so funny?" How do you explain 40-50 years of Star Trek and all the possible story lines in one sentence? So I just answered, "I'll explain later" and then never did.
The reasons for the lack of posts has been that we are currently engaged in some very very boring work......scrapping and sanding. Previously, this area had a tile back splash. To accommodate the tiles they used some sort of adhesive to adhere thin plywood to the wall and then tiled the plywood. Tiles came off easy, plywood came off easy, adhesive......not so easy.
Later tonight I will post about the brick pavers that are being made for us here at 'The Gear'. They are going to look great!!!!
Your head must kill with all the fumes from what the heat gun can pump out. I get a headache just thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteSo the idea is to keep the knotty pine paneling?
This particular adhesive is nasty smelling. But I have found that it scrapes better if it doesn't get too hot. So every 5 minutes or so I turn off the heat gun and let it cool down a bit.
ReplyDeleteI think we are done with scraping and now it it just sanding.
Unfortunately, we will keep the T&G paneling for now BUT it will be painted white so that should help.
The T&G will go when we do a total gut of the kitchen waaaaay down the road.