The weather was so depressing today. Not only was it raining but it was also snowing and sleeting all at the same time. We even heard thunder two or three times and we think we saw some lightning, too.
We now have even more snow on the ground. Does this look like spring?

Today we finished re framing the kitchen door. It was as crooked as a dog's hind leg. You didn't even have to put a level on it to see that it was crooked. It's looking 100% better. We now need to move to the other side of the door and install the trim and door stop. That side was always without trim which I thought looked odd.

We also replaced the side piece of trim on the doorway going to the game room. That piece has been notched out to accommodate an ill placed outlet. That outlet was re installed correctly and and no longer needed the notched out area. So we purchased a 1X4 and sanded over the edges to give it the rustic look like all the other trim.
R placed a level on the header piece before we re installed the side piece. Good thing he did.....amazingly it was NOT level. Can you believe that...NOT level. So we removed that piece and re installed it so it was level. We THEN measured, cut, and installed the new piece.

I've been scraping the side kitchen entry way in between helping R. I am down to this small area in the middle of the room. Hot water helps to loosen it. So I would spray and then come back and scrap. One more day and I will be done with scraping this room. The kitchen itself has a few more areas to scrap. I will scrap the laundry room after the remaining plaster is removed.

I, also sprayed the area in front of the door and removed the remaining glue and paper while I was scraping the entry way .

See that little area under the door where the light it coming in? The floor is sloped so we have to raise the bronze threshold piece until it is level. This will require a wedge shaped piece, the width of the door, placed under the bronze piece. It currently goes from zero gap to about a 1/4 inch. Should be a riot to cut.