Thursday, April 14, 2011

Curbside Treasure

Ahhhhh smells of curbside treasures!! Think...Apocalypse Now.

Not to be out done by R, who earlier in the week had his own curbside find, I found this little gem yesterday.
How cool is that? A little step stool that is also a chair and/or an ironing board.**
This will be perfect for the laundry room. I think it needs a coat of black satin paint and it will look just divine in the laundry room.

**Disclaimer.....I will not be using this as an ironing board.

OOPS!! R just walked by and wanted to know how come I didn't bother to do a post about HIS find. So tomorrow I'll show you what he found. Oh boy....cliff hanger!


  1. That is awesome! Most of the curbside "treasures" near my house are usually from folks avoiding a dump fee. Sigh. I did pick up some more terracotta pots the other day though, so not ALL bad!

    I would totally use that as an ironing board. I'd love to be able to leave mine in a permanent location, (I quilt) but if I leave it up, my cat claims it as his perch--and he sheds everywhere. That one could stay in the same spot and I could just flip it up when not in use...I wonder if my hubby could make one?

  2. I bet you could find the pattern for it online.

    Funny you should mention quilting. The first thing I thought of was that it would work great as a sewing room ironing board.

    I understand the cat thing. I have two of my own.


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