After voting in the presidential election, R and I went to
Grass Lake, Michigan to our favorite architectural salvage place...
Grand Illusion Gallery.
We were in need of window sashes for our barn. The previous owner had moved the barn closer to the house and I assume this is how the windows were broken. Several sashes were missing and there were also 3 different types of sashes. The windows in the lower portion of the barn are composed of a single sash hinged at the bottom and attached at both sides with a 8 inch length of small chain. The sash opens inward and is locked shut with a sash lock at the top.
R and I rutted through stacks of sashes and rounded up 8 matching sashes.

A trip to Grass Lake is not complete without a stop in
Chelsea, Michigan. Chelsea is the home town of Jeff Daniels and his
Purple Rose Theater. R was bummed when he heard Sigourney Weaver had been there recently. I think he's into tall chicks because Jamie Lee Curtis pushes his buttons too. Well anyways....Chelsea is a cute little town full of old homes and tree lined streets. It's also home to Jiffy mix. I really like Jiffy corn muffin mix.

But I digress.....if you ever want to know what it is like in the upper peninsula of Michigan, rent
Escanaba in da Moonlight. I love how they talk in the U.P (upper peninsula).......and in case you are not from Michigan....a yooper is someone who lives in the U.P. and Jeff Daniels character is a buckless yooper. My favorite scene is when he tells the story about his uncle shooting a buck from the two holer. If you ever find yourself in the U.P. of Michigan make sure you eat a pastie. U.P. pasties are the best and different from all the rest. I believe the difference is that they have rutabagas in them. Also smoked sucker and chubs aren't too bad either. Just about every little store or bait shop sells smoked fish. Side note....we own land on Lake Michigan in the Escanaba area but rarely go there. Too far, too cold, too ahhhhhh boring. Just trees, fresh air, bears, mosquitos the size of small birds, and the most beautiful
aurora borealis.But back to finer dining......we also always stop in and eat at the
Common Grill. Chef Common has two cookbooks but at 35 dollars each I have always passed on purchasing them. I really want his recipe for gazpacho. I scored one of the cookbooks at a thrift store located close to where I worked for a mere 2 dollars. When I walked into the store I almost turned around because I thought it was all clothes but then I spied some books and thought 'what the heck' and the first book I picked up was the cookbook. So lesson learned....never judge a thrift store as soon as you enter the door.
Mom has scared me on Jiffy for the rest of my life, she says there are bugs in it. So now I just stay away. Two holers also scare me. Something is not right about it.
ReplyDeleteYour fav niece,
I love Jiffy Mix...