We are heading down the home stretch when it comes to finishing B and G's deck. We had a full crew today. B, G, B's mom, R, and myself. There was sawing, sanding, drilling, and painting for 8 hours with just a small break for pizza and to admire our work.

Here are R and G installing spindles to the left side of the deck while B and her mom notch out one of the few remaining posts.

B and her mom sitting on the steps. Additional seating was one of the reasons for installing extra wide steps on the deck. Looks like the steps are doing what they were designed to do.

B spent most of the day filling screw holes, patching bad spots, and touching up paint. Here she is touching up one of the posts. Notice the railing cap we installed just before we called it quits for the night. We still need to trim the end off but it was getting late and we needed to install the remaining cap boards. We used a biscuit joiner on the 45 degree cuts on each corner. We added several long screws to secure the two pieces together after installing the biscuits . We clamped them to made sure they do not move until the glue dries. Once it stops raining, G will finish screwing down the cap and cut off the ends allowing for a 2 inch overhang.

All that is left to do is install the remaining three step posts, build the railings for the steps, and install the spindles on the steps. When that is complete, B and I will install the remaining 3 exterior lights. That should be an all day job at the rate it took us to install three lights the last time.
I promise to take better photos next time. These photos all seem tilted for some reason. I swear I was just drinking diet Coke, too.
Added at 1PM...I was driving into Fenton this morning and realized I could stop and snap a few better photos of the deck.

The forecast for the next three days is rain and high winds. Welcome to fall....fall that 3 week time period before the six months of winter. Grrrrrr
the deck is looking really nice. good job everyone.