Thursday, January 10, 2008

One sash down.......five to go

After I arrived home from work last night (3am) I removed the form and sanded the patch. Here's what it looked like after sanding with a palm sander and 60 grit sand paper.
Not too shabby but notice the voids??? I knew there would be some so I was not too surprised. I mixed some more filler, filled the voids, and went to bed. Time spent......35 minutes.

Fast forward to morning....I sanded some more. To make sure it was smooth I usually close my eyes and run my fingers over the area. I probably don't need to close my eyes...I could look away...but I don't.
Here is how it looked after scraping, sanding, filling, and some more sanding.
Not too bad considering how 'damaged' it was before I started. By the way, that palm sander was only $10.00 at Home Depot. About 3 years ago, during a trip to Home Depot, I noticed a big display with Skil palm sanders and jig saws for $10.00 each. Sounded like a good deal so I nabbed one of each.

I scraped sash number two. Removing all the paint and glazing compound before it was time to get ready to leave for work. I'll sand when I get home tonight.

Time invested....35 minutes last night and 1 hour today....4 hours 55 minutes total.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a turnaround. Definitely worth the time and effort!


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