Friday, May 23, 2014

Spekter Pro Paint Brush and Shed Doors

I painted the garden shed doors yesterday and used the new Spekter Pro paint brush to paint the muntin bars and all I can say is....I'm ordering two more so I have spares.

This paint brush made painting the muntin bars a breeze.  I went fairly fast because I knew I needed to use a razor blade to get some old paint off the glass from a previous painting.  Even then I hardly got any paint on the glass.  I could paint two sides of the pane with one loading of the brush with paint. The paint also flowed nicely and covered evenly without leaving deep brush marks in the paint.

The brush comes to a point in the center and this worked nicely for the corners and getting close to the glass. It really made moving the paint around easy and the paint went where I wanted it to go.  Have you ever had a brush that the paint does not come off the bristles correctly?

The handle was so comfortable.  I think it was because it is round and you could hold it like a pencil.  It just felt natural.

The brush washed up like a charm and even the dried paint washed out with a little extra help from my fingers.

I can't give this brush enough praise.  It really is the best paint brush I have ever purchased.  I was really dreading the painting of all the muntin bars on ALL the windows but I can see that it will be far less of a head ache.

The only problem with this brush is that I have no idea where to buy them except for eBay from a seller in the UK.

The doors of the shed are painted and they look great.  These doors were FREE  off of Craigslist and I must say they are better than I could have imagined.

We are currently working on several other projects for the shed and should finish up another one tomorrow.  The final touch will take several more days and then it is time to move on to the front of the house.


  1. Toolstation sell these brushes. Just bought a few this morning,so I hope they are as good as you say. No doubt the boys `ll let me know!!

  2. Thanks for the heads up on where to buy these brushes.


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